'Flowol Fischertechnik Kit Mimics' (with tutorial)

The Fischertechnik Kit Mimic Pack can be used with either Flowol 2, Flowol 3 or Flowol 4. It includes the following 8 mimics:

Traffic lights, Hand dryer, Cooling fan,
Traffic Lights Mimic Hand Dryer Mimic Cooling Fan Mimic
Automatic door, Car Park barrier, Motor unit,
Automatic Door Mimic Car Park Barrier Mimic Motor Unit Mimic
Mechanical stamping machine and Robot welding arm.
Stamping Machine Mimic Welding Arm Mimic

These mimics can be purchased from Robot Mesh:

Send orders to orders@flowol.com or fax to 425-861-1131.
Robot Mesh, 12326 134th Court NE, Redmond WA 98052

Or from one of our Suppliers.

Order CodeDescriptionPrice
61M5 (Windows PC) OR
62M5 (Apple Mac)
Fischertechnik Kit Mimics with site-licence$75.00