PICAXE Microcontrollers

PICAXE chips

PICAXE microcontrollers from Revolution Education Limited (www.picaxe.co.uk) are a versitle and well supported set of programmable chips. The chips are available separately, or together with a variety of project boards.

Flowol 4 supports all the following PICAXE chips: 08, 08M, 08M2/08M2+, 08M2LE, 14M, 14M2, 18, 18A, 18M, 18M2, 18M2+, 18X, 20M, 20M2, 20X2, 28A, 28X, 28X1, 28X2, 40X, 40X1 and 40X2.

When you have developed your flowchart on Flowol, it can be download to the PICAXE microcontroller and run remotely from the computer. With some models (08M2/08M2+, 08M2LE, 14M, 14M2, 18M, 18M2, 18M2+, 20M, 20M2, 20X2, 28X1, 28X2, 40X1, 40X2), Flowol 4 can also run the flowchart while the PICAXE microcontroller is connected. This is a useful way to debug your flowchart before downloading it.

PICAXE Dice Project Mimic for Flowol 4

A popular project board for the PICAXE is the Dice Project. A matching mimic for Flowol 4 is available for download here (Windows PC Only).

Flowol 3 supports some PICAXE chips

Flowol 3 also supports some of the PICAXE chips. Information and the downloadable interface pack area available here.